Monday, 21 December 2015


The Symposium Second Call for Submissions is opened! For general information about the Call for Submissions, please contact the organizing committee on

There are separate deadlines for symposium abstracts and posters:
  • Symposium abstracts submissions close on March 22, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Moscow Standard Time.
  • Poster submissions close on March 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Moscow Standard Time.
Symposium official languages are English & Russian

All submissions must represent completed work. Submissions should discuss research that has not been presented or published elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the Program Committee & selected for publication in a Symposium collection of abstracts.

Symposium submitters will be notified via email of the decision regarding acceptance (or rejection) of their submission in late December. If accepted, submitters will be notified of the schedule for the Symposium in late January. If the Program Committee recommends that a Symposium submission be considered for a poster presentation instead, the submitter will be notified of this recommendation and each author will be offered the opportunity to submit individual presentations as posters.

Poster submitters will be notified of the acceptance (or rejection) of their poster, and if accepted, will be notified of the schedule for their poster in March 2016.

To Submit a Symposium with an abstract material — enter the following information:
  • Presentation Title
  • Subject Area
  • Short research summery (50 word maximum)
  • Abstract (1500 words maximum, text format)
  • Author`s Information:  scientific\professional position, including university or business affiliation and contact e-mail address, presenter names, co-authors of the abstract

To Submit a Symposium with a poster — enter the following information:

  • Poster Title
  • Subject Area
  • Key words (3-5 maximum)
  • Short research summery (50 word maximum)
  • Supporting summery (500 words maximum, text format)
  • Author`s Information: scientific\professional position, including university or business affiliation and contact e-mail address, presenter names, co-authors of the abstract

In accordance with the Symposium idea posters are much required to be focused on the ways of practical application of cultural-historical psychology and activity theory.

 To take part in the Symposium with an abstract/poster or for free participation (without any materials) please complete the REGISTRATION FORM (download form)

All Symposium submission materials must be send on 

The Symposium will be followed by Summer University for young researchers (ISCAR SU). Scholars interested in participation in ISCAR SU are welcome to visit for more information on the event and send applications on

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