Monday, 21 December 2015



June 27-28, 2016

International symposium "Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations" is aimed at the analysis of the original concepts of the scientific school, discussion of the current situation and perspectives of its development, discussion of integration of the ideas of cultural-historical theory and activity approach, as well as at the expansion of the research conducted in the framework of the International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR).

Among the key directions of work of the symposium are: psychology of action, the original units of development that underlie cultural-historical theory, psychology of thinking, psychology of art, cross- cultural studies - current situation and perspectives.

An important aspect of the discussion will be connected with the issues of practice-oriented training for professionals in the sphere of education.

The International symposium "Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations" will be a part of a number of events, organized to support young researchers. One of the key parts of the Symposium’s conception is the support of PhD students. The symposium will be followed by an international summer school “Modern education in various kinds of social practice”, in the framework of which discussion of young scholars` research projects will take place. Together with the international Master`s program "Cultural-historical psychology & activity approach in education" run by the UNESCO Chair of MSUPE "Cultural-historical psychology of childhood" with the participation of the leading international experts the symposium is aimed preliminarily at improving the level of qualification of young specialists who work in the sphere of teaching, upbringing, and development.

Among the participants of the symposium are researchers of the Russian Academy of Education, members of the Executive Committee of International Society of Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), researchers of Russian universities, specialists in applied practices, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, whose scientific interests cover theoretical and practical problems of cultural-historical and activity psychology, young scholars, as well as the leading international experts in the field of cultural- historical psychology and activity theory from Great Britain, Greece, Australia, Brazil, China.

The Symposium will take place in Moscow on June 27-28, 2016 in Moscow State University of Psychology & Education and will be followed by the International ISCAR Summer University for Young Scholars to be held in a picturesque suburban vacation house “Povedniki” (Russia, Moscow region) on June 28 - July 3, 2016 LEARN MORE ABOUT ISCAR SUMMER UNIVERSITY


Dr. Malcolm Reed (United Kingdom) 

President of the Executive committee of ISCAR (International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research)
Graduate School of Education
University of Bristol

Dr. Manolis Dafermos (Greece)

Member of the Executive committee of ISCAR (International Society for Cultural-
historical Activity Research)
University of Crete, Department of Psychology

Dr. Vitaly Rubtsov (Russian Federation)
Rector of Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Professor, full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Professor of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)


Dr. Harry Daniels (United Kingdom)

Director of the Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research               Professor of Education, University of Oxford 


Dr. Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (Switzerland) 

Professor of the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology & Education   University of Neuchatel 

Dr. Nikolay Veresov (Australia)

Member of the Executive committee of ISCAR (International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research)
Professor of Education 
Monash University, Faculty of Education

Prof. Viktor Zaretsky (Russian Federation)

Member of the Executive committee of ISCAR (International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research)
Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE)

Prof. Sueli Fidalgo (Brazil)

Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)
was Brazilian representative at the executive committee of the International Society for Cultural Activity Research - ISCAR), as well as Brazilian ambassador for the ISCAR event in Austrália.


International Symposium "Scientific school of L.S.Vygotsky: traditions and innovations" 
(June 27-28, 2016)

First Name:

Second Name:

Date of birth:




Place of work:

Scientific degree:

Current professional position:

Telephone number:


Scientific interests:

Please, suggest topics you are interested in to be discussed in frame of symposium

Type of participation
       With an   
       With a poster
       (without materials)

Please kindly send completed registration forms on with a mark “Symposium registration”


The Symposium Second Call for Submissions is opened! For general information about the Call for Submissions, please contact the organizing committee on

There are separate deadlines for symposium abstracts and posters:
  • Symposium abstracts submissions close on March 22, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Moscow Standard Time.
  • Poster submissions close on March 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Moscow Standard Time.
Symposium official languages are English & Russian

All submissions must represent completed work. Submissions should discuss research that has not been presented or published elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the Program Committee & selected for publication in a Symposium collection of abstracts.

Symposium submitters will be notified via email of the decision regarding acceptance (or rejection) of their submission in late December. If accepted, submitters will be notified of the schedule for the Symposium in late January. If the Program Committee recommends that a Symposium submission be considered for a poster presentation instead, the submitter will be notified of this recommendation and each author will be offered the opportunity to submit individual presentations as posters.

Poster submitters will be notified of the acceptance (or rejection) of their poster, and if accepted, will be notified of the schedule for their poster in March 2016.

To Submit a Symposium with an abstract material — enter the following information:
  • Presentation Title
  • Subject Area
  • Short research summery (50 word maximum)
  • Abstract (1500 words maximum, text format)
  • Author`s Information:  scientific\professional position, including university or business affiliation and contact e-mail address, presenter names, co-authors of the abstract

To Submit a Symposium with a poster — enter the following information:

  • Poster Title
  • Subject Area
  • Key words (3-5 maximum)
  • Short research summery (50 word maximum)
  • Supporting summery (500 words maximum, text format)
  • Author`s Information: scientific\professional position, including university or business affiliation and contact e-mail address, presenter names, co-authors of the abstract

In accordance with the Symposium idea posters are much required to be focused on the ways of practical application of cultural-historical psychology and activity theory.

 To take part in the Symposium with an abstract/poster or for free participation (without any materials) please complete the REGISTRATION FORM (download form)

All Symposium submission materials must be send on 

The Symposium will be followed by Summer University for young researchers (ISCAR SU). Scholars interested in participation in ISCAR SU are welcome to visit for more information on the event and send applications on


The Symposium will take place in Moscow on June 27-28, 2016 in Moscow State University of Psychology & Education. And will be followed by the International ISCAR Summer University for Young Scholars to be held in a picturesque suburban vacation house “Povedniki” (Russia, Moscow region) on June 28 - July 3, 2016      LEARN MORE ABOUT ISCAR SUMMER UNIVERSITY

(MSUPE, 29 Sretenka str., Moscow, Russia)

The list of recommendations for comfortable accommodation in Moscow in Symposium days will be published shortly.

Health Insurance
Please note that you will need health insurance valid in Russia during your stay in Moscow. Don’t forget to ask about it in your insurance company or to check it in Russian consul service in your country.

Arrival and transfer
Moscow Airports
Sheremetievo airport
According to the effective classification Sheremetievo is a 1st class airport. It is situated 28 kilometers to the north-west of Moscow and 11 kilometers from MKAD (Moscow encircling highway). Territorially and functionally the airport is divided into two sectors – Sheremetievo-1 (Sh-1) and Sheremetievo-2 (Sh-2). The Sh-2 sector is for international flights only, and SH-1 hosts mostly domestic flights.
Getting to Moscow:
The “Aeroexpress”, a special electric train will take you to Moscow’s Belorussky train station (nearby is Belorusskaya metro station, which is 3 stops away from Sukharevskaya metro station, where MSUPE is).
From Sheremetievo-2 terminal you can walk into the Aeroexpress terminal which is situated on the airport land side (overground walkway takes 7 minutes to cross). The walkway is on the level of Sh-2 departure hall.
To get to Aeroexpress from Sh-1 terminal you can take a free shuttle bus. The bus stop is situated to the left of the exit from arrival hall of Sh-1 on the airport land side. The drive to Aeroexpress is 20 minutes.
Aeroexpress Schedule
Every half hour from 5:00AM till 01:00AM
Full schedule here
The ride is 35 minutes.
Aeroexpress hotline – 8-800-700-33-77
Sheremetievo airport website
Domodedovo airport
Domodedovo airport is the biggest and most perspective airport in Russia, it is rated #1 in the country for domestic and international cargo air transportation.
Getting to Moscow:
The “Aeroexpress”, a special electric train will take you to Moscow’s Paveletsky train station (nearby is Paveletskaya metro station, which is 4 stops away from Sukharevskaya metro station, where MSUPE is).
Aeroexpress Schedule
Every half hour from 7:00AM till 00:00AM
Full schedule here
The ride is 40-45 minutes.
Aeroexpress hotline – 8-800-700-33-77
Domodedovo airport website

Vnukovo Airport

Vnukovo International airport is situated 28 kilometers from Moscow city center, it is one of the biggest airports in Russia.
Getting to Moscow:
The “Aeroexpress”, a special electric train will take you to Moscow’s Kiyevsky train station (nearby is Kiyevskaya metro station, which is 6-7 stops away from Sukharevskaya metro station, where MSUPE is).
Aeroexpress Schedule
Every half hour from 6:00AM till 00:00AM
Full schedule here
The underground train station is situated to the left of the airport building, 4-5 minutes walking distance. The ticket should be purchased in the Aeroexpress ticket booths on the station’s upper floor. For information call +7 (495) 436-26-26 (Kiyevsky train station) or + 7 (495) 436-28- (Vnukovo airport).
Aeroexpress hotline – 8-800-700-33-77
Vnukovo airport website

You can contact the Office of International Affairs MSUPE on all questions: