Monday, 21 December 2015



June 27-28, 2016

International symposium "Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations" is aimed at the analysis of the original concepts of the scientific school, discussion of the current situation and perspectives of its development, discussion of integration of the ideas of cultural-historical theory and activity approach, as well as at the expansion of the research conducted in the framework of the International Society for Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR).

Among the key directions of work of the symposium are: psychology of action, the original units of development that underlie cultural-historical theory, psychology of thinking, psychology of art, cross- cultural studies - current situation and perspectives.

An important aspect of the discussion will be connected with the issues of practice-oriented training for professionals in the sphere of education.

The International symposium "Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations" will be a part of a number of events, organized to support young researchers. One of the key parts of the Symposium’s conception is the support of PhD students. The symposium will be followed by an international summer school “Modern education in various kinds of social practice”, in the framework of which discussion of young scholars` research projects will take place. Together with the international Master`s program "Cultural-historical psychology & activity approach in education" run by the UNESCO Chair of MSUPE "Cultural-historical psychology of childhood" with the participation of the leading international experts the symposium is aimed preliminarily at improving the level of qualification of young specialists who work in the sphere of teaching, upbringing, and development.

Among the participants of the symposium are researchers of the Russian Academy of Education, members of the Executive Committee of International Society of Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), researchers of Russian universities, specialists in applied practices, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, whose scientific interests cover theoretical and practical problems of cultural-historical and activity psychology, young scholars, as well as the leading international experts in the field of cultural- historical psychology and activity theory from Great Britain, Greece, Australia, Brazil, China.

The Symposium will take place in Moscow on June 27-28, 2016 in Moscow State University of Psychology & Education and will be followed by the International ISCAR Summer University for Young Scholars to be held in a picturesque suburban vacation house “Povedniki” (Russia, Moscow region) on June 28 - July 3, 2016 LEARN MORE ABOUT ISCAR SUMMER UNIVERSITY

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